
Container Loading Check (CLC)

Our container loading checks will ensure that your production order has been finalized and loaded as required, giving you the confidence to sign off and settle the final payment.

Container Loading Check (CLC) for Shipment Quality Control

Ensure accurate and secure delivery by addressing potential product and shipment issues in advance.
Target inspection & souring company container loading check is an exhaustive on-location inspection of product, packaging, and container loading quality. This service helps you prevent damage, ensure compliance with your requirements, and protect against delays, tampering, theft, or unauthorized access during transit.

What is a Container Loading Check (CLC)?

A CLC is an on-site inspection that ensures your products are shipped exactly as ordered, in the right quantities and condition.

During a container loading check, a Target inspection & souring company inspector will randomly select boxes to confirm product quality matches your specifications. We will verify correct quantities, barcodes, labeling, and packing materials, and closely supervise the entire loading process.

You’re provided with a full report, accessible through our online platform

Why Perform a Container Loading Check?

  • Reduce the risk of product damage during shipment
  • Perform a final quality and specifications check to catch defects before shipping
  • Ensure correct handling of your products during container or truck loading
  • Verify that  packaging meets specifications
  • Inspect the quality of the container used for shipment

A CLC is particularly beneficial for businesses shipping fragile or sensitive goods that are likely to break in transit if the correct packaging and loading procedures are not followed.